YEMLife Beach Retreat 2023

YEMLife Beach Retreat 2023


The Lord has blessed YEMLife abundantly here at Hoi Thanh Tin Lanh Loi Chua Houston, TX. The Beach retreat was a great reminder of God’s creation and our purpose in life to follow him and to fellowship with one another. Thank God for his blessings and mercies! We hope that the youth here will grow stronger and stronger until the day God calls us home. Amen!!!

Picture Links By the Day

All of the Beach Retreat:

Friday Pictures:

Saturday Pictures:

Sunday Pictures:

YEMLife Beach Retreat 2023 Information

YEMLife Beach Retreat 2023 Information

Hello there! Once again we will be having our Annual YEMLife Beach Retreat. Please read all information and links below to avoid confusion!

  1. ***For this year’s Beach Retreat registration fee each person will pay $40 dollars***
  2. Please do not forget to fill out the registration waiver and turn it in ON TIME.
  3. The due date for registration & paperwork will be provided as soon as possible.
  4. Please do not hesitate to reach out to YEMLife leaders for more information & please check GroupMe for future updates.

Link to Registration Waiver:

Link to Transportation Form:

Thank you for being patient with us! Hope to see all of you there at the beach as we have fellowship and rest with one another!

YEMLife 5th Year Anniversary – 2023

YEMLife 5th Year Anniversary – 2023

Link to more pictures:

Link xem thêm hình ảnh:

Thank God for an amazing five years of YEMLife. God has truly worked at this church from the starting years of 2018 and 2019 until now in the year of 2023. Thank God for his protection and grace that has kept YEMLife afloat for all this time. Thank God for his bountiful abundance, which has increased the numbers of our youth group as well as increased the numbers of believers. Thank God for granting us the strength to prevail through the tough times and rejoice in the good times. May God continue to be with all of us until he calls us home! Once again happy five years to YEMLife!!!

Hội Thể Thao Hàng Năm của Hội Thánh Lời Chúa Lần Thứ 1

Hội Thể Thao Hàng Năm của Hội Thánh Lời Chúa Lần Thứ 1

Link xem Thêm hình ảnh: 1st Loi Chua Triathlon

Link to more pictures: 1st Loi Chua Triathlon

Cảm tạ ơn Chúa đã cho Hội Thánh được tổ chức một Hội Thể Thao thật vui vẻ! Cảm ơn những người đã góp phần để tổ chức cuộc hội thể thao hôm nay. Cảm ơn những người đã tham dự trong cuộc hội thể thao hôm nay.

Những người đoạt giải hôm nay là:

– Giải Nhất 🥇 : Anh Trần Thanh Liêm , em Thảo Phạm, & em Thư Trần

– Giải Nhì 🥈:Ông Lê Văn Hiếu, em Phan Phước Hiển, & em Phan Phước Huy

– Giải Ba 🥉: Anh Nguyễn Anh Đào, em Phạm Xuân Thiên Bảo, & em Phạm Xuân John

Một lần nữa cảm ơn mọi người, xin Chúa tiếp tục ban Phước cho Hội Thánh! Amen 🙏

Thank God for a most auspicious Triathlon! Thank you to all who participated today and for those who helped make this happen. The winners of this year’s triathlon are as follows:

  • 1st Place we have: @Thao Pham 😆🌤@Thu Tran and Chú Liêm
  • 2nd Place we have: @Hien Phan@Lil Huy 🤡 , and Ông Hiếu
  • 3rd Place we have: @Bao Pham John Pham ( @Ban Pham substitute) and Bác Đào
    Once again thank you and may God continue to bless our church 🥳🥳🥳
Summer Family Camp C&MA SW Region Photos 2023

Summer Family Camp C&MA SW Region Photos 2023

Tạ ơn Chúa Liên Hội Thánh Việt Nam C&MA Vùng Tây Nam Hoa Kỳ đã tổ chức một Trại Hè vui vẻ và phước hạnh! Năm nay, khoảng 250 trại sinh đã tham dự và quan trọng hơn là 37 người đã tiếp nhận Chúa vào đời sống của họ hoặc tái cam kết cuộc sống của họ với Đấng Christ. Xin Chúa tiếp tục ban phước cho Liên Hội Thánh Việt Nam C&MA Vùng Tây Nam Hoa Kỳ . Hẹn gặp lại các bạn tại Hội trại năm sau. A-men!

Thank God for the Vietnamese Alliance Churches in the Southwest region to organize such a fun and blessed Summer Camp! This year, about 250 campers were in attendance and more importantly 37 people either received God into their life or recommitted their lives to Christ. May God continue to bless the Southwest region. Hope to see you at Camp next year. Amen!

Những link thêm hình ảnh:

Links for more pictures:

VAYSW Rally “United for God’s Glory”

VAYSW Rally “United for God’s Glory”

Link to more pictures:

Thank God for our fellowship today! We had a great time traveling up to Dallas as well as meeting with our other brothers and sisters in the region. May God continue to bless our region as a whole! Thank you Grand Prairie Church for hosting this Youth Rally! Thank you all so much for coming out and breaking bread with us!

YEMLife Ice Skating and Birthdays

YEMLife Ice Skating and Birthdays

Link to more pictures:

Thank God for our fellowship today! We had a fun time on the ice skating rink and really good food at La Corona Mexican Restaurant. May God continue to bless our February birthdays as well as our congregation as a whole! Thank you all so much for coming out and having fellowship with us!

YEMLife Special Birthday Celebration

YEMLife Special Birthday Celebration

Link to more pictures:

Thank God for a very fun YEMLife birthday celebration of our good brother in Christ Hien Phan and our senior Pastor Thuan Le. May God bless and be with them in all that they do and may He use them to further the kingdom here on Earth. May God bless YEMLife so that it may grow and nurture the youth here in the Houston area. Once again Thank you all who were able to come out and Thank God for such a wonderful time of fellowship and celebration!