YEMLife Christmas Party & White Elephant

YEMLife Christmas Party & White Elephant

Link to Pictures:

What a fun time well spent with our Youth group here at Houston Vietnamese Christian Church! This year’s Christmas Party was filled with joy and comfort as well held our annual White Elephant Gift Exchange as well as Christmas Party. Thank the Lord God for his indescribable gift of his only begotten Son. Thanks for all who showed up to make this possible and to make it a memory that our church will never forget! Until next time…..! MERRY CHRISTMAS.

YEMLife Beach Retreat 2022

YEMLife Beach Retreat 2022


Link to pictures of 4th year anniversary:

The Lord has blessed YEMLife abundantly here at Hoi Thanh Tin Lanh Loi Chua Houston, TX. The Beach retreat was a great reminder of God’s creation and our purpose in life to follow him and to fellowship with one another. Thank God for his blessings and mercies! We hope that the youth here will grow stronger and stronger until the day God calls us home. Amen!!!

Pictures by the Day

Friday Pictures:

Saturday Pictures:

Sunday Pictures:

YEMLife New Years 2022

YEMLife New Years 2022